Sunday, 23 February 2020

Foreword To My New Book In Writing Process

If you think that this is a Christian book you would be disappointed, it is not. However, if you seek the way, the truth and the life, regardless of your religion, this book is dedicated to you. This book can be more accurately considered as a Biblical book. It attempts to present how far Christianity has departed from the Bible, and how far has the Bible misaligned from the original Hebrew Scriptures, where it came from.
My original intention of writing a book is to reinforce my faith in the God that my church says I should believe in, and that that God is the God that the Bible is talking about. My other purpose is to learn more about what God is saying in the Bible. To my dismay, the more I read the Bible the more I see the gap between the teachings of the church and the teachings in the Bible. It scares me to realize that this gap is so huge that it spells the difference between Salvation and going to hell.
One strong indication of the gap between the Bible and Christianity is the teaching on the Sabbath. The God of the Bible says it is the sign between Him and His people forever. The violation of the Sabbath brought destruction to Jerusalem in particular and Israel in general. On the contrary, Christianity teaches about either the Lord’s Day or Seventh day. The Sabbath that the Bible is talking about is neither of the two. This is one great issue that god believers deserve to know. Fortunately, there are still passages in the Bible that show how the true Sabbath can be determined.
Another problem is that the God of the Bible says those who call on His name shall be saved, and commanded not to take that name in vain. This is one of the ways by which our English Bibles depart from the original Hebrew Scriptures that it came from. The name of the God in the original Hebrew text is in Hebrew. How can the faithful who wants to be saved call on that name when it is hidden by the English phrase “the Lord” in our English Bibles? Consequently, the name has been taken by Israel and the world in vain by throwing it to oblivion.
Another problem is about the name of the Son our Savior. The Book of the Acts chapter 4, verse 12 says that there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. This passage is referring to the name of our Savior. The whole New Testament calls our Savior Jesus. Common sense, however, tells us that our Savior was born Hebrew and must have a Hebrew name. The name Jesus is not a Hebrew name, and there is nothing Hebrew in it. The clue that suggests strongly that this name is not the original Hebrew name of our Savior is the fact that the name was Iesus not Jesus in the 1611 edition of the King James Version.
Be ready to encounter more surprises as you read this book. The truth may hurt your feelings the way it shattered my heart, but truth must be known and must prevail. May the Father and heaven through His Son our Savior give us wisdom to make our life worthy to His sight.

The Proof of God

Bible Study 36: The Meaning of the Last Supper